Accelerate improvement – support and development for more effective use of data

Our in-house team of trainers consists of ex-senior leaders and an experienced data manager who have recently worked in a range of schools who fully understand the challenges faced by schools in a changing education environment. Our expertise is based on a collaborative understanding of schools' policies and priorities are then giving the best advice in the application of GO 4 Schools.

Options are available, from a range of training packages to bespoke consultancy suitable for:

Modular GO 4 Schools training

This training can be on site at your school as blocks of 3 hour sessions, or offered remotely in smaller sessions (minimum 1 hour duration if remote).

TypeDetailsTypical Duration
Initial training For new schools to set-up the management and additional modules purchased. Usually offered as a split session for a core data team and markbook set-up with curriculum leaders. Average 3 hours
Full GO 4 Schools implementation For schools who purchase ALL modules we advise a staged approach to implementation: 1 x initial training + 1 x additional training. Focus for longer subscriptions and larger schools - 6 month time frame for additional training session to be booked at time of install. 7 hours total, plus 1 hour for attendance tier 3
Additional training For further implementation training and support - booked at any time. Suitable for refresher and induction training on a 1:1 or small group basis. Our customer service team will be able to advise on the number of hours to suit your requirements

Training requirements are discussed at the time of booking so we can ensure your time is used for maximum impact and the agenda is tailored to the school's priorities. A Health Check on your set-up and implementation of GO 4 Schools can also ensure you are maximising your use of data to impact on school improvement. To book further training or for more information contact or use our contact page.

For more information regarding training for the GO 4 Schools MIS please contact us for details.

Remote training is £90 per hour and on-site training is £130 per hour. On-site training must be a minimum of 3 hours. All pricing is subject to VAT.

Download the Non-Subscription booking form

In-house training offers

As the complexity of school information management changes and the functionality of GO 4 Schools is updated to reflect national school performance data, we want to ensure that you and your staff have access to the most relevant and timely data for your school, as well as the tools and skills to track and analyse this information effectively. We have therefore developed a series of in-house training sessions aimed at Data Managers and those who have the main responsibility for managing the day to day information and set up of GO 4 Schools. Our Data Manager training sessions are designed specifically to support and develop key staff in the management and implementation of GO 4 Schools:

A number of our training sessions are now ‘CPD certified by the CPD certification service – see the table below. Accredited CPD training means the learning activity has reached the required Continuing Professional Development standards and benchmarks. The learning value has been scrutinised to ensure integrity and quality. The CPD Certification Service provides recognised independent CPD accreditation compatible with global CPD requirements. All attendees to these courses will receive a certificate of attendance for the course. We are aiming for more courses to become accredited overtime.

Download the CPD booking form

Download the Data Manager bundle offers

Course name Key aspects covered Who should attend Date(s) Cost Included in an offer?
Data Manager: Introduction to GO 4 Schools KS2/exam grades uploading data, school internal grading schemes, introduction to using data explorers & sharing data sets. View flyer View flyer Data Managers
17/09/24 + 18/09/24 + 19/09/24 [3 x 2.5 hr online sessions]
07/01/25 + 08/01/25 + 09/01/25 [3 x 2.5 hr online sessions]
29/04/25 + 30/04/25 + 01/05/25 [3 x 2.5 hr online sessions]
First delegate: £300; second delegate:£250 DM Package 1/DM Package 2
Markbooks An overview of comparing approaches to assessment in Markbooks, recording report attributes in markbooks, combining assessments.
View flyer View flyer
Data Managers or personnel with school manager or curriculum leader access in GO 4 Schools.
24/09/24 + 25/09/24 [2 x 2.5 hr online sessions]
15/10/24 + 16/10/24 [2 x 2.5 hr online sessions]
21/01/25 + 22/01/25 [2 x 2.5 hr online sessions]
11/03/25 + 12/03/25 [2 x 2.5 hr online sessions]
03/06/25 + 04/06/25 [2 x 2.5 hr online sessions]
First delegate: £200; second delegate:£150 DM Package 2
Preparing for Ofsted CPD Certification Service Preparation for inspection, understanding the 4 key areas of the OFSTED framework, school improvement and the IDSR. View flyer View flyer Senior Leaders
20/11/24 + 21/11/24 [2 x 2 hr online sessions]
19/03/25 + 20/03/25 [2 x 2 hr online sessions]
First delegate: £180 ; second delegate:£150 No
Pastoral Leads: Attendance & Behaviour CPD Certification Service Review of your set up & implementation of behaviour & attendance. View flyer View flyer New users of the behaviour and/ or the attendance module
01/10/24 + 02/10/24 + 03/10/24 [3 x 2 hr online sessions]
25/02/25 + 26/02/25 + 27/02/25 [3 x 2 hr online sessions]
First delegate: £300 ; second delegate:£250 No
School Leaders: Analysing Data Key performance measures and the analysis tools for analysis, Curriculum overview and analysis tools for reviewing the quality of education impact and Headline dashboard views for effective tracking. View flyer View flyer Data Managers and Senior Leaders
12/11/24 + 13/11/24 [2 x 2.25 hr online sessions]
06/02/25 + 07/02/25 [2 x 2.25 hr online sessions]
02/07/25 + 03/07/25 [2 x 2.25 hr online sessions]
First delegate: £200 ; second delegate:£150 No
Data Manager: New to the Role
CPD Certification Service
KS2 data used in secondary schools, uploading targets, school grading schemes, reports and snapshots. View flyer View flyer Data Managers
10/09/24 + 11/09/24 + 12/09/24 [3 x 2.5 hr online sessions]
13/05/25 + 14/05/25 + 15/05/25 [3 x 2.5 hr online sessions]
First delegate: £300 ; second delegate:£250 DM Package 1/DM Package 2
CPD Certification Service
For schools using GO 4 Schools to record attendance. Review the school set up and daily management of attendance data, reviewing outputs and communication of attendance to parents. View flyer View flyer Attendance officers, school leaders with attendance responsibility
12/09/24 [1 x 2.5 hr online sessions]
03/12/24 [1 x 2.5 hr online sessions]
16/01/25 [1 x 2.5 hr online sessions]
First delegate: £150 ; second delegate:£100 No
Progress Reports "NEW" Creating reports, using report attributes, using comment banks. Creating snapshots, tracking student and parent engagement View flyer View flyer Data Managers and Senior Leaders
03/10/24 [1 x 2.5 hr online sessions]
05/12/24 [1 x 2.5 hr online sessions]
30/01/25 [1 x 2.5 hr online sessions]
First delegate: £150 ; second delegate:£100 No
CPD Certification Service
Classifying and setting up behaviour events to reflect your schools behaviour policy, set up and manage behaviour email notifications. View flyer View flyer Senior Leaders
17/06/25 + 18/06/25 [2 x 2 hr online sessions]
First delegate: £180; second delegate: £150 No
End of Academic Year Process Preparing for exam analysis, uploading exam results, creating and using snapshots. View flyer View flyer Data Managers
18/06/24 + 19/06/24 [2 x 2 hr online sessions]
First delegate: £180; second delegate: £150 No
Post 16: Provision & Performance
CPD Certification Service
Tracking key groups effectively for sixth form intervention and evidence, Different ways in which sixth form data can be set up in GO 4 Schools. View flyer View flyer Data Managers and Senior Leaders
08/10/24 + 09/10/24 [2 x 2 hr online sessions]
12/02/25 + 13/02/25 [2 x 2 hr online sessions]
19/06/25 + 20/06/25 [2 x 2 hr online sessions]
First delegate: £180; second delegate: £150 No
Data Manager: Analysing Data Subject statistics overview, data explorers for more detailed analysis, key statistics and performance measures. View flyer View flyer Data Managers
05/11/24 + 06/11/24 [2 x 2.25 hr online sessions]
04/02/25 + 05/02/25 [2 x 2.25 hr online sessions]
11/06/25 + 12/06/25 [2 x 2.25 hr online sessions]
First delegate: £200 ; second delegate:£150 DM Package 2
End & Start of Academic Year Process Locked subjects and group management tool, copying markbooks, using the school dashboard. View flyer View flyer Data Managers
20/05/25 + 21/05/25 + 22/05/25 [3 x 2 hr online sessions]
01/07/25 + 02/07/25 + 03/07/25 [3 x 2 hr online sessions]
08/07/25 + 09/07/25 + 10/07/25 [3 x 2 hr online sessions]
First delegate: £300 ; second delegate:£250 DM Package 1
School Leaders: Embedding data effectively CPD Certification Service Focusing on how the use of year group and subject statistics are influenced by approaches to tracking ‘live’ data in markbooks to better inform learning interventions. View flyer View flyer School Leaders and Curriculum Leaders
22/10/24 + 23/10/24 [2 x 2 hr online sessions]
09/07/25 + 10/07/25 [2 x 2 hr online sessions]
First delegate: £180; second delegate: £150 No

All courses are delivered remotely via Microsoft Teams or available to book for your school or cluster of schools.